100s on the tabLe, 20s on the fLoor

Apr 19, 2007 13:52

yesterday.. work and pLay. BMPs.. aLready got em. "damn shortty you got the oLd OLD Loves!" haha.  AM#1&2 can kiss my ass. thanks patty, i know im favorite #2. get it right. starbLocks with ate M and LoLa, that cute coupLe. bLue waLLs. had a craving for garLic fries so you aLready know. doubLe date, bLind on my part. met another crew member pLus the girLfriend. manager of Louis Vuitton at bLoomingdaLes and gradute of aasf.. can we say hook it up!? thanks T. motorcycLe taLk on one side of the tabLe.. purses on the other + begging  of "can we go to beard papa and get some cheesecake sticks after??" mmMmmm. no wheeLies tho. i know what you want now!! and i hate snakes. ugh. time to go to cLass.
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