[Yeah. It's audio for once. She's only slightly paranoid people are still affected by yesterday's curse and will want to seek her out. Silly, right?]
So. Yesterday certainly was something, wasn't it? Made some interesting new friends. [Pause.] I don't know that I want to meet new people like that again. I prefer my introductions significantly less
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Once he's behind the bench he blows air into her hair and past her ear, leaping into a tree the next moment. ]
Was that you?
I already know how everything turns out and it's pretty great. [ Not EVERYTHING, but winning the war was great. ]
I saw your post. [ He's not looking awkward at all. ] I guess were pretty crazy for you. [ Curse an all. Don't make it sound so terrible, Aang. ]
[She grins a bit, shrugging.] It was a very awkward curse. For the most part. On occasion, it was just silly and kind of dumb.
Yeah, she's one of my best friends. [ And also the women he's been harboring a major crush for... not that it matters now. ]
Still, it can't be fun to kiss someone you don't even like.
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