Lost finale

May 27, 2010 21:31


Okay so let me start off by saying, I think I have missed out on a show that could possibly have been my favourite show of the past 6 years, for that I am sad.

This finale was EPIC, the following thoughts are from someone who has not seen an episode of Lost since around the 5th episode of season 1.

The thing that did it for me was the flashbacks. Everyone's flashbacks had me in tears. From the first til the last, & I don't even know the characters that well. It was just so beautifully done, with the music and the actor's reactions. Oh, perfect.

When I first read about the finale I was like 'WHAT THE FUCK THEY WERE ALL DEAD THE ENTIRE TIME' - wrong. Tumblr confuses me on purpose I think. I don't think there could have been a better ending other than the one in 30 Rock where the island was all Hurley's dream, haha!!!

I'm not sure what else to say....I have a few questions:

Is Ben a baddie? (Cos I kinda love him.)
Where did that plane come from & the pilot in the water? (Surely he is not from their flight.)
Other than the people in the episode had every other person from S1 & since died?

I'm sure I had more......
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