The Coming Storm

Sep 19, 2009 15:39

[Private, unhackable]

So it's come down to this...Mazane Enma, no, Makoto Shishioh, my sworn enemy, has decided on an insane plan to seize the throne instead of playing the Emperor's game.  The most unfortunate part is that it might just work, with our forces supplemented with most of the land's mercenaries and the power of the Obsidian Emperor's magic.  Have I mentioned before that I hate magic?  I respect those who use it, and my own sword is hardly a mundane tool, but it turns conflicts from games of numbers into random chance too readily.

That digression aside, I'm left with a dilemma.  On the one hand, in the best case scenario, this campaign will kill tens of thousands of respectable soldiers on all sides, to say nothing of the hell that will be holding onto power without having taken it legally.  Worst case, we all die.  On the other hand, if this works, and I can eliminate Shishioh, my homeland will become the seat of power for all Eisengoku and, not unimportantly, I'll be in the position to claim the title of Emperor myself.

Emperor Char, Emperor Casval Rem that something I truly want?  What's more important, honor, or power?


No, it's a pipe dream anyway.  Even if Rokujo were defeated, I'd have missed my chance.  I have to use this campaign, while Shishioh is overextended and his attention diverted, to get my revenge.  What's more, cutting this madness short will earn me the admiration of the Emperor and the soldiers who would have otherwise died pointlessly.

There is a problem, however.  I can't strike from where I am.  If I give even a hint of stepping out of my role, Shishioh, Wodan, Luciano, and Shishioh's new pets will turn on me and tear me apart in seconds.  Dooku's too independent and self-interested to deal with.  I can't do this on my own, and there's no one I can trust...

...however, there are people I can trust to be untrustworthy.


[Filtered to Light, unhackable]

I believe I have some information of interest to addition to what your Shinigami probably already told you about Mazane Enma.


needless convolution, plotting, backstabbing quandaries

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