Jun 12, 2006 23:00
okay so its been.. i'm not too sure when the last time i used this was.. but i dont fuckin know, i guess i just need something to do. okay so i deleted everyone off this so that people can't read it unless they stumble upon it somehow, but chances are they wont know me.. (hopefully). so um, i'm not exactly sure what i was plannning on writing in this.. prolly didnt plan it. um, i guess this is just a way i can keep to myself without .. i'm not really sure, not wanting to? theres a reason why i don't like to think about some things but i just cant put my finger on it. fuck, thats wierd. whatever. well i think i'm gonna go for now and see if i remember about this tomorrow if i have time. Fuck man, i GRADUATE from highschool tomorrow, that's really messed up. okay well, who knows what will happen.
charlene is the coolest.