Nov 03, 2005 18:29
ok so i never thought i'd be saying this...but wow im gunan miss band ALOT. today i realized it was our last thurs practice ever. not only will i not be drum major (and leave abby iwth someone else :() but i will never be part of the band like i have been the past 4 years. i know it sounds cheesey and like i never thought i liekd band that much. but now that i wont have it next year, its really upsetting. it's been so amazing being drum major, especially with abby. i hopeeeeee so bad we do so amazing on sunday. i know we can. we have to. anyway, all of the band ppl, even if u complain about it and can't wait for it to be over...enjoy it. cuz it flies by faster then u can imagine...
btw- good job clarinets today!!! we are aamzing haha <3
yea th
is is the first time ive updated in like a year lol