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Jan 08, 2005 12:17

well this past week sucked, i just got home from my cruise and got a really bad cold. but then fri went by really fast and @ night sam came over and we went to the hockey game. and met up with risa and emily and jamie. and it was alott of fun cuz i think they really like him. and he met some other people too and experienced what a white school was like : b. and it was funny cuz we were playing demerhist, and theyre blue and he was wearing blue from teaneck so everyone was yelling at him. anyway, hills won!! o yea and i got to see garret and evan from elemntry school, which was cool cuz i havent seen them since like 4th grade! and then we left and got and movie but i had to pay $5 cuz my dad nvr returned a movie or seomthing!!! and it was a fun night :) and now im going to help out at my cousins party
later <3
o yea, and i need to hang out with rachel nabatz cuz she is awesome and i miss seeing her!!
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