Feb 04, 2006 18:47
last week when i updated...i spoke about getting a ticket for not coming to a complete stop pulling out of the mall. well i paid that off.
then i took my car in to get the wheel baring fixed and it turns out it was in a lot more serious shape than i thought..it needed about $850 worth of work (wheel baring, inner shaft, something that starts with a t, and something else). GREAT. but i did get a free windshield which is amazing! so i tried to find a thousand dollars out of thin air...im so broke. and now a thousand dollars in debt to my father. %#$@&*$E@$%#$%@#$ arrgh.
glad its all worked out at least. but now im on a serisous job search. although im working 25hrs a week already its definately not enough. classes are going good. business law is long and boring, business math is easy, principles of advertising is a ton of work, and human resources management is fine.
nothing much else going on, just work and school and of course a little play.
which. ps. shawn and my one year is on thursday!!!!!!! i cant believe its already been a year :) being in love with the perfect person for you is amazing :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
superbowl is tomorrow, plans with both my family and shawns. so it should be a busy day between church early, lots and lots of homework then fun for superbowl.