30 Days of TV -- Day 18

Jul 30, 2010 23:06

Day 18 -- Favorite title sequence


Who Can Turn The World On With Her Smile?

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They don't call them "meme" for nothing, because it's all about me-me (I know that's not how it's really pronounced, but it's just too perfect!) Watching the intro to The Mary Tyler Moore Show - sorry for the subpar quality, btw, it was the best YouTube had to offer -- is like gazing into the looking glass of my childhood.

The MTM show was famously set in Minneapolis, the first series set in flyover country, and for those of us living here watching was a matter of local pride. The show was filmed on a Hollywood sound set, of course, with only some exterior shots done locally, but that was of little importance. This was OUR show. When I was in college I worked at a Baskin-Robbins ice cream store in the IDS Crystal Court, where Mary can be seen window shopping and, at :30, riding the escalator. I can not tell you how many times customers would gasp in recognition at seeing that escalator, or how popular it was for souvenir photographs.

Also, I love the song. LOVE it, walk around singing it to myself, often. It's a day brightener.

For this combination of nostalgia and objective greatness, The Mary Tyler Moore Show wins best credits. What will win best tv cast? Tune in tomorrow!

Day 19 -- Best cast

30 days of tv, youtube

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