Good Morning, Jerusalem!

Sep 09, 2005 11:05

Today was the first day of my new life. My old life in the United States had become heavy and sad and mostly half empty. I'll miss it to no end. But first things second.
I woke up at 5 o'clock and 15 minuten this morning, stirring from a dream of whose remnants I could still almost taste. Something about me feeling sorry for some guy who didn't know how to use his microwave. And then, it dawned on me (the thought, not the day. That happened at 6). I'm in Jerusalem. I'm in Israel. I'm finally home again.
For those who aren't hip to the word, I'm living in Israel for a full year, after which...we'll get to after which once we cross her. Those who wish to, can contact me one of 4, count 'em 4, that's right 4! different ways:
1) My cell phone here is (dialed from USA) 011-972-50-828-5631
2) My e-mail address
3) My favorite, and most preferred way, snail mail, sent to
Jonathan Reiser
c/o Jacobs
67 Moshav Bet Zait
Jerusalem, ISRAEL
This one's the best because I can draw you pictures when I write back.
4) Not yet an option. But, in the future, my Yeshiva is looking to get an Internet number, so it wouldn't be long distance.

To all my friends in the USA. I love you all so much. Thanks for all the wonderful times and great support most of you have provided me (most comes to exclude those who were completely useless, and worse, simply consumed much needed oxygen).
I came to the harsh realization that the day I left Miami was officially the last day of my childhood. I am fully aware of the fulcrum of my life swinging on a new axis. I am blazing new trails in new worlds, and sadly, for the first time, r"l, am faced with the looming shadow of disease in my family.
As I quietly slink away from my childhood, I look back fondly at it, and smile faintly. So many fond memories. But up ahead, many of my friends frolic in fields of marriage and children and jobs and homes. As we go into the next threshold we lose our pass to the previous, but I look forward to seeing many of you in your new forms as citizens of this strange new world of adulthood. Even as new creatures here's wishes and kisses that like that little kid in Hook, we'll still recognize Peter behind his fat, wrinkled, serious acting career in garbage vehicles like Bicentennial Man.

Jonathan Reiser
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