Sep 04, 2010 10:50
Here we are again.
There's something unsettling about being on break *plays dramatic Jaws music.* Like I always end up feeling like I'm not allocating my time in doing anything productive or relevant and begin to worry that other people are.
Every break we get assigned with some software related project that I either can't manage without going insane or end up using up my whole break trying to finish :( Sometimes I really wish that there would be a quick fix for problems like these. But when it comes to university, the slopes only get steeper as we go right? No shortcuts, no easy way up, and the only way to graduate from the slope is to climb and mount yourself at the top (an analogy that would make any preacher proud ;P). So like they say, Rome wasn't built in a day, and engineering is a 4 year course. So I guess I just have to do my best to put away my struggles and do this matlab project ....BRING IT ONE BIATCH !?
Anyway, watched this weeks TakkiChannel.
Week 1 --> Kis My Ft2
Week 2 --> ABC Z
Week 3 --> Mis Snow Man
Week 4 --> Mis Snow Man
Week 5 --> Kis My Ft2 ....
Although I must say these weekly vids have made me a bigger fan of kisumai and snow man (already was a big ABCZ fan) but I can't help but want to see BIShadow, hip hop jump or 7 west get interviewed :(
Hope my selfish request gets answered next friday.