This year's Johnny's Countdown you ask? SOOO much better than last years! This year we lose all the senior groups like TOKIO, V6, Kanjani8, Arashi, Shounentai and other senpai acts but I still loved it. There was no cross to a theatre where the dance umbrella boys and Nishikori usually are (because they were at the countdown itself!) and no cross to Osaka or the NHK rooftop either. It was non-stop medley of 56 classic and recent JE songs all performed with high energy and excitement.
I was a bit disappointment that the Bakaleya and Bad Boys J Jrs didn't back for Sexy Zone at Kouhaku but at the same time wasn't all that surprised. Their appearence at the Countdown by far made up for it though.
Tackey being restrained by the Jrs to be force kissed by Yamapi? I didn't notice at all in my first few viewings because all I could see was Myuto jumping all over the place <3
*I just want to cut in here and say that my neighbours are continuing their drunken New Year's party from last night and they are all terrible singers ...*
Anyways, amidst the boys being dorks I also spotted something very disturbing at the top right hand corner. Who is that?
To my horror, it was Juri sporting one of the scariest haircuts I've seen for a while now. It's actually not that bad, it just doesn't look right on him.
Another hairstyle that caught my attention was Taiga who had his hair tied up for the night. From the front it doesn't look any different from his usual hairstyle and it does kind of suit him, but I have to say it gave me more of a fright than a delight.
Another 4 more Countdowns until we have the full Sexy Zone of age and performing on stage together. Until then, lets just push the center until he falls over the railings ^^ I didn't cap it, but it was such a loving moment when Kento threw his arm over Fuma and the 2 of them sprinted off after Fuma took a little tumble when he landed from his jump <3
I can't read lips but I'm pretty certain that Juri's consulting with Myuto here on whether his new look was a good decision or not after seeing the mixed reactions from the audience that night. Myuto is being kind as always and just tells Juri that he likes it.
My favourite performance of the night. First I just think it's funny how Kento and Fuma became the Marius and Sou during the performance, and secondly I thought the 5 sounded awesome together!
SHE!HER!HER! like most of Kisumai's songs really grew on me and this was a really nice version of it.
I think my comments were getting to Juri a bit and he was trying to hide his hair behind the choreography. Just look at that depressed face especially in contrast to Yamada's vibrant smile. It's ok Juri, by song 32 I've gotten over the initial shock of the new hairstyle and think it looks quite dashing.
It's the year of the horse! Which means Kawai doesn't even need a costume! Yara was particularly hyper and adorable in this years countdown and had me laughing so hard during Ai Kakumei.
Looks gorgoues doesn't he? It's a shame I wanted to throw him off a cliff everytime he opened his mouth to sing. Yamapi's never been a good singer but I've liked his songs and his voice. Somehow everything his sang this year was just bad.
Yay for pre-recorded footage inserted randomly into the last performances! Look how happy they are and how lazy I was for not taking a screencap that didn't show my VLC player ...
NVP of the night for me goes to Kento. They're idols afterall and he just looked so riducously good here, there and everywhere <3
Big announcement of the night, Shige, Kotaki, Nakama and Kiriyama will have their CD debut this year under the group name Johnny's West 4. So happy for them, I've irritably written in a few posts on how there needs to be a kansai debut and there will be one soon and now it's finally come (10 long years after Kanjani8).
First off, this feels like a damn weak debut. Just look at the sign Kotaki is holding which he probably had to make himself 10 minutes before the camera was on him. The name is so wrong. It's such a Jrs group name. It makes it very easy to understand who they are, they're Johnny's from kansai (the west) and there's 4 of them, but at the same time says nothing about them as a group. If it is temporary unit to promote a show or a movie it's damn weak of a debut. I don't understand why they dropped Kami and Ryusei and feel damn bad for Hamada. If they get added to the group later it's a damn weak debut and with a unstable lineup. Who cares, congrats to the 4 of them anyway <3
Love the Jrs reactions on the right who obviously didn't see this coming, especially Yusei.
There there Yuma, no reason for you to have that look. Not every debut has to involve you and besides, your good as a solo artist/actor/individual.
See, at least you're not the only one. You get to stand in the middle of a lineup of JE talents that Johnny-san has no idea what to do with.
I then finished my morning off by watching one of the most worrying conto to date. Funny as hell for all the wrong reasons. Takada's going to be in my nightmares for weeks haha
Happy New Year! Hope 2014 is a fantastic year for you. As a AKB48 fan, this year's already off to a rough start with Yuko announcing her graduation last night. As a Johnny's fan, I've finally got my long awaited Kansai debut (as damn weak as it is) so fandom wise the first day of 2014 has been a good balance of good and bad ^^