Oh no! I'm sorry, I didn't express myself correctly! I meant to ask about shinigamis using fake bodies while.... being Gods of Death. *smiles apologetically* I'm sorry for that!
But... *muttering, thinking about himself* maybe I have experience with fake bodies.
((UPS. I'm sorry! But damn, I have been playing with... spoilers all this time! Don't read Syaoran's entries! XD You sure got spoiled in this game, don't yout? ^^;))
Ah no! It was my fault!
I know... Ah! I'm Syaoran. *bows as well* I've heard of you from Ginko-san, Rukia-san! Nice to meet you.
It's nice to meet you, Syaoran-san. *perks up at Ginko's name* Oh, yes, Ginko-san... We met under rather strange circumstances, but ended up becoming *blushes just a little* ...good friends, I think.
((don't worry about it! :D I don't read too much of Syaoran's memory-related entries, that's all. Plus, I really should just hurry up and get caught up on Tsubasa XD
But man, if only I saw more of some series, I'd totally pick up Edgeworth from Phoenix Wright or some other 3rd character... :D :D :D))
That's quite impressive.
But... *muttering, thinking about himself* maybe I have experience with fake bodies.
Oh-- No, no, it's my fault for mis-understanding! I see what you mean now.
I suppose anything's possible...who knows what else any of us will remember.
*smiles at Syaoran* By the way, my name is Rukia. *bows*
Ah no! It was my fault!
I know... Ah! I'm Syaoran. *bows as well* I've heard of you from Ginko-san, Rukia-san! Nice to meet you.
He is a good person!
*totally missed Syaoran's hesitation on Ginko's strange nature* ((LOL))
*glad. He was really uncomfortable taking about that*
But man, if only I saw more of some series, I'd totally pick up Edgeworth from Phoenix Wright or some other 3rd character... :D :D :D))
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