omg...Ghost....I'm so scared of them...but I have such a fascination with tales of so called "encounters" that I just can't leave it alone...
Halloween is usually a time I don't look Too foreword to, because of all the scary things there are that start to pop up like scary costumes and scary mask. Yes I am that much of a baby when it comes to getting scared and I get scared so simply like jumping out from behind a bush that I at times simply Hate the holiday on some years, but damn it all, I was actually looking forword to this years...
Anthony has told me things before, like one time, while he was playing a game, he saw a shadow walk by his room's door since he was playing a game in darkness and the living room lamp illuminated onto the wall above the tv, and he thought it was Kev coming to poke him again as he had been alot that day, but then he realized, Kev and his mom had just called saying they were at the Walmart Super-center, and that's 30min's away, asking if he wanted anything. So he got up and checked who could it have been? (his mom had a bad knee so she limps) and he found...that no1 was home.....He'd been alone for 30mins at least, and his other 2 brothers, along with his dad, weren't getting off work for a few more hours...
Another time, while IMing me late one night, not TOO long ago, he had told me he was going to get something to eat and a drink from the kitchen and the usual "brb" and after a while, he came back, saying he had saw something just then..... While coming back from the kitchen in his pitch black house, he could have sworn he saw someone sitting on chair in the living room, and that the person was starring at him.....He always did say he wanted an encounter; to see something, because those shows like Ghost Hunters and such, never scared him, but just fueled his interest, yet with this "shadow" person sitting in the living room in pitch black starring back at him; he admitted he was about to scream but then the person disappeared....Anthony never screams out of fright, so for this to make him scream had it stayed is really something new
Anthony's family is no stranger to encounters, especially to his older sister and oldest brother, who are sensitive to it, yet the sister is like me, weak about it and let's it get to her yet she still goes after it, while the brother will accept it and won't have a problem with being near or seeing anything "unusual". I've heard a lot of story's that have happened not only to Anthony but to others in his family. The only bad thing about it is that Anthony was still very young when things like that were happening, specifically when they lived in the little blue house, which was like death itself. The family kept hearing things there, black widow's everywhere, dead flying in the morning near the window, a rocking chair they heard like someone was sitting on it when no1 was outside and there was no wind outside at night, but he was too young to really remember it, while everyone else remembers clearly.
Hearing the stories of the places they use to live and the stories they told, interested me, because it was somewhere I wasn't near, so I wouldn't go there, but now...It's right in his current house
Anthony hasn't been the only one to see things, his youngest half sister Angie, who leaves for work at 3am, has sworn she thought she saw something standing behind her car, but when she approached there was no1 there, and his older brother Andrew, could have sworn he saw someone was in his car, while he was washing it, but then they were gone, and his oldest brother Monkey, well his room has seen the most action, even after they moved in, his door was always closed and i asked why and they would say "because strange things keep happening in his room" some of which where when his Samurai swords display stand pushed off from on top of his tv, and his speaker, which is screwed into the call, fall to the ground. And there's a reason for these, it's just not "oh no it turned out to be an etc etc"
His sister Darline, has a friend that knew the ppl that lived in his current house, she asked if they've seen anything strange or heard anything, and when Darline said yes, she was kind of worried and eventually after Darline's plea's she told her what had happened before Anthony's family got there. It turns out a couple use to live there, and it use to be a mess of a house (so much so that the landlord had to remodel the house before they could sell it again) and the couple had lived in the house slept in Monkey's room, they had lived there for a very good number of years. And then one day, the guy decided to kill himself at work, but all his stuff was still in, what's now, Monkey's room, when he died.
Though I was at his house for a short while today, I still wasn't ready to hear this while I was there, in the house. It really freaked me out, I didn't want to see Monkey's room at all, afraid of what I might see, even if it was still early, I literally shook, and started crying cuz I was scared at the thought of a an actual spirit so close. I can listen the to stories ok, like the ones of the Stanley Hotel (The Shining's inspiration), the Waverly Hill's Sanitarium, the Winchester Mystery House, the Axe House, a lot of those I can listen too with interest and it wont bother me much (as long it isn't twilight or dark out) but this was too close to.....I wonder if I'll ever go back to his house now, especially with halloween. They also told me that it isn't 12am that is the dead hour, but rather 3am and now I'm scared to not fall asleep by then. So many times I've been up at that time, but I was always afriad of what I'd see simply from the corner of my eye just by going into the kitchen, bur right now I'm really freaked out though I know I shouldn't be; I should get it out of my mind cuz supposively like dogs, spirit's are attracted to those who show fear.
God how sometimes I really do wish to be ignorant and left in the dark rather then knowledgeable and know the dark sides of life...maybe that's why I do forget things in so easily, because I Want to be left in the dark, but my curiosity, always gets me into the situation in the first place....It could be possible can't it? I mean its already been proven to me that I can change and block my own memories so that I can live ignorance....