So I'll update on life later on, and though a lot of you I'm sure are at Fanime, I'm still going to post cuz I totally need help ASAP on wigs for AX.
Mainly Blonde wigs for my uneven blochy skin tone ><
1st up: Amazon Lily's Margaret (One Piece)
Front Side Choices:
Choice 1 Choice 2 I really just don't know, I'm leaning more
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Comments 5
I like the more "wild" look of the first one.
(do you have a snake to go with it?)
Lucy Heartphilia: seems to sort of censor some references to Amphigory - you can't directly link to them in posts, since they're prime competition for cosworx.
In my experience they're good, but can be extremely slow. (As I understand they are two people operating out of a house)
I've only had bad experiences with trying to color wigs, so my vote is just fine one already the right color unless that just isn't an option. (Though others I know have good wig coloring experiences, so ::shrug::)
I've seen what looked like 613 used for her - it's a little light, but looked good when I saw it. Though she had pretty pale skin.
Shade 2 looks like 25BC would be the best match.
Shade 1 looks like 24
For style, if you want to try the pig tails, I'd suggest the one with the plastic top that will more likely look better when parted
I'm working on Mr.Snake @_@ But oh how i hope you're somehow wrong on Amphi or atleast me be an exception to this >>;;;;
Well I don't know if you recall my skin tone and how dark i am (HATE IT ><)but a little help with the colors means alot! =]
Though I'm not sure if a skinned top would be best anymore, because I suddenly realized she has a more swept up hair do for her side pony tail [here] so I don't know if it'd make it easier with that..unless i dont go for the "100% accurate" look for it.....I.D.K. D=
Yes, I know you have darker skin, which is why I mentioned that. It'd definitely look different on you. Though that doesn't mean it will look bad - I'm not really sure how it would work out - I'm not as good as estimating / visualizing that.
I think my own pink-ish tone is pretty frustrating sometimes. (I'm a bit worried how Gakupo's purple hair will look on me.) But I suppose everyone has that sense of the other side of the hill being greener type thing.
Though I know i don't really communicate with you much at cons or anything, everytime i see you, you don't seem pinkish at all to me, maybe it's just when you blush? but I don't think it'd be TOO hard as if, say you were sunburned? xD
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