Feb 07, 2004 12:20
Do you ever sit and wonder about how much certain events can change your life so? How each event in your life makes you mature more and more. Also, it is ever so hard to judge your own character or maturity level, as it is not up to you. The true judge of your character is by those around you. It is kind of like your voice, it is a challenge to be able to judge your own voice, the people around you are, again, the best judges, due to the travel radius of the sounds exiting your mouth and the reverberations of your throat against your inner ears. Therefore, often the people with the most interesting personalities and most mature outlooks on life are the people that have experienced life firsthand, fighting for every inch, enjoying every accomplishment and learning from every mistake, while still staying a solid person without exacerbation. For it is only when we can fight off this exacerbation, that we can truely become happy with ourselves. And if we are not happy with ourselves, then we tend to radiate unhappiness and later lay blame upon the people around us for our unhappiness, when intrinsically the anger and unhappiness is within us. One can not depend on the people around them for self-satisfaction, it must be generated for within, hence "self"-satisfaction. We must be happy with ourselves before we can expect anyone else to be happy with us, or for us. I strive everyday to be the best I can be, while still not caring what people think about me. I shug off criticism while still taking it to heart. I examine myself through the criticism and try to improve what maybe askew, but if I feel everything is ok, then I care not what people say, I mean it's their breath that they are wasting and hey it's a free world. So Speak your mind! Just please don't expect people to assume your statements and arguments are right, just because you said them, be prepared to prove your points throughout life. Peas!