Miss me?

Sep 22, 2006 20:15

So it has been a couple of months, but I finally figured out a couple of things to write about.  For those that don't know, I am no longer in Ithaca.  I am now in Rochester, NY going to Ithaca College (yeah it is weird).  What is even weirder is that in about a year and one month I will officially be Dr. Chapman.  It is basically means I have a year and one month until I am officially an adult.  I have already started thinking about "the future" and I am not sure if I am ready for this. Anyways, here are some random topics:

A couple weeks ago I picked my internship for next summer and I will be up here in Rochester.  Not a huge fan of that.  But it will be worth it.  I am going to be working at a performing arts physical therapy clinic which will is pretty much my in into the business.  I still want to do the Broadway PT thing, but this is a big step in the right direction.  I do need to learn between now and May though (which will be interesting).  Could I actually live the dream?  Time will tell/.  At this point, I'm not sure of what coast I want to live on.

Grad school:
I am not a huge fan of grad school right now.  It isn't that the work is harder; there is just more of it.  In a lot shorter period of time.  I also have no motivation for assignments anymore.  I care more about learning the material than the grades I get.  I want everything to be clinical.  It is a good change, I think

The Office:
The Office is now my favorite new show.  Sorry Arrested Development.

I miss Ithaca.  A lot.  I pretty much think about the people there everyday.  Rochester just doesn't have the same spirit.  It isn't that it is a city.  I love cities.  It is why I want to move to NYC someday.  There just aren't people like there are at Ithaca.  Some of my favorites are there and those are hard people to replace.  On that note, I am actually going to be in Ithaca next weekend for Apple Fest.  It will be good to be back and I will hopefully see more people than I saw on my last visit.  I can't wait

I actually go to the gym now and play soccer almost 3 times a week.  It is good to finally be living healthy again.  It also helps to balance the large amount of booze I've been drinking.  The line dancing also helps to burn the carbs though.

Anyways, I am off to the dollar theater in town to take a study break.  Let me know what you are all up to and I will write back soonish.

grad school, ithaca, change, gym, the office

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