Apr 30, 2010 10:58
So it's Spring again. And apparently Spring comes with two things: heat and accidents.
So 2 weeks ago, our washing machine turned out to be broken, combined with most of the kitchen floor. Got that fixed now, still waiting for the check. But no check, no pay, so that's fine right now.
The toilet keeps being treated like a.... well, a toilet, but then a really bad one. Other people in the building seem to think our toilet is a trashcan or they wait for a week before going to the toilet (the sheer amount of literal shit I had to dig out of the toilet yesterday to get it flowing......). Why can't people just behave? Guess it's too much to ask these days for some decency.
Then last week my mom had a car accident. While waiting at a roundabout the car behind her misjudged and rear-ended her, buckling the left side of the car. The mechanics pronounced it dead on the site and towed it away. Mom luckily is fine, though she had a little pain in her neck and shoulders. Don't know if she went to the doctor in the end. But that means a new car.
Then two days ago, while playing Napoleon: Total War, my computer entirely crashed, getting hung up and disabling the screen. At first I thought it was an N:TW related issue, but yesterday while co-oping with Rick it happened again. After running several diagnose programs with his help, it turns out my graphics card is getting way too hot to function longer than 15 minutes in a game. The safety kicks in after that and locks the computer down. Luckily I still have the warranty, so I'll just take it back to the store and tell them to fix it. Sadly, that will leave me without a computer for the next few weeks, as I can't even turn it in for another week. Today Myriad starts, lasting to Sunday. Monday I'm going on a trip with Karin's familia to London and next weekend will be a get-together-weekend for the Boldewijn group. Reminds me, still need to send everybody the address for that. But this is the umpteenth time I lose a computer (or part thereof) to heat. And the weather wasn't even that hot yet!