
Mar 20, 2009 09:37

The hottest ticket in London this weekend is not for a pop singer or a football match but for a conference on communism which brings together some of the world's leading Marxist academics. The international financial crisis has led to a resurgence of interest in a philosophy that many claimed had been buried with the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Such has been the interest in the conference, entitled On the Idea of Communism, being staged at London university's Birkbeck college from tomorrow, that the venue has been changed three times to accommodate the extra demand and is sold out.

"Найяскравай падзеяй гэтага тыдня ў Лондане стаўся не канцэрт поп-музыкі, не футбольны матч, але канферэнцыя па камунізме, якая сабрала разам выбітных марксісцкіх мысляроў".

belorussian, english, international politics

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