(no subject)

Feb 10, 2011 00:13

because this guy made me really mad and i cant sleep because i just ate a cup of ramen

後がない pity, my bad boy 見事な手口ね
There's no next time, pity, my bad boy, that was a great trick
愛なら興味本位 恋なら火遊び
if it's love, it was centered in interest, if it's deeper love you're playing with fire
なんでもそうじゃん 口だけじゃん
it's always like that, it's only words
ノン Devil Devil ノン ノン
you devil devil you you

誰から?焦るワンコール 隠したつもりの
A call from someone? do you intend to hide it?
私がキライなPerfume 挙動不審でアウト
the perfume that i hate you're out due to your suspicious behaviour
治らない病気ね お気の毒に
you're should beware of that unfix-able habit of yours
サヨナラ こっちだってバカじゃないわ
good bye, i'm no an idiot

You better run run run run run
you're finished
You better run run run run run
かなり手遅れなんじゃない Hey
it's too late hey
ウソっぽいアリバイがイタくて もういいってば
you're weak alibi is hurtful, i cant take it anymore
You better run run run run run
革命的制裁で Run Devil Devil Run Run
revolutionary punishment run devil devil run run

気付かないフリなんて これ以上無理でしょ
I can't ignore your actions any longer
欲張り no super playboy いい加減もうアウト
greed, no super playboy you can stop now, you're already out
全部がそうじゃん 言い訳じゃん
everything's like that, it's all excuses
ノン Devil Devil ノン ノン
you devil devil you you

You better run run run run run
あなた オワリなんじゃない
you're finished
You better run run run run run
かなり手遅れなんじゃない Hey
it's too late hey
わかってないみたいね 誤魔化しはいいってば
you dont seem to understand you can stop your lies
You better run run run run run
革命的制裁で Run Devil Devil Run Run
revolutionary punishment run devil devil run run
私の愛も限界よ Run Devil Devil Run Run
my love has boundaries run devil devil run run

ねえ 少しの浮気なら男だから仕方ないって
hey, to think it's ok to cheat a little if you're a guy
it's absurd that you cant understand that
悲しい寂しいも通り越して ガッカリ
i'm past being sad and lonely, i'm disappointed

You better run run run run run
あなた オワリなんじゃない
you're finished
You better run run run run run
かなり手遅れなんじゃない Hey
it's too late hey
わかってないみたいね 私の本気を
you can't seem to understand my intentions
You better run run run run run
革命的制裁で 後悔すりゃいいじゃん
revolutionary punishment, it's ok to regret
あなたじゃなくても 良い人はもっと他にいるわ
there are others who are better than you out there
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