Oct 18, 2006 15:35
i havent been online these days walking along the Pacific ocean.
never thought there"s still places like this. No-bo-dy. For miles and miles and miles.
before, i visited Antigua and lake Atitlan. it"s all a fairy tale.
the ocean at dawn is especialle gorgeous, with light blue and rosy magnificent waves, white fog and clear sky above.
ha, and i never thought how little you need. all in all, i"m spending 3.5 bucks per day on average, this inlcuding my few cigarettes and an hour of internet.
eating just bread, tomatoes or watermelons, sleeping:
1) in a park in Antigua
2) in an abandoned restaurante in Panajachel
3) in a cabin of lifeguards at Pacific coast
4) being invited by an old security man to a shelter near one of the villas on the coast.
and i have everything i need for happiness, not having to HAVE in order to enjoy.
cheers folks.