Nov 29, 2006 03:10
1. What is your favorite beer? Yuengling, or corona
2. What is your favorite liquor? Vodka, ketel one or grey goose if it’s a martini
3. What is your favorite shot? goldschlagger
4. What will you NOT drink? LIT
5. Are you a "hard ass" when it comes to drinking? Hell no
6. Do you like the drinks with the little umbrellas? Hell yeah, and a rain coat
7. Do you ever drink Bacardi Silver? Not by choice
8. Do you like frozen drinks? They’re cool
9. Do you drink liquor straight? Almost never
10. Do you ever drink out of the bottle? Eh… yes… rarely tho
11. Have you ever drank a jagerbomb? yes
12. Are you drunk right now? Lil buzzed
13. Do you consume more than 2 alcoholic beverages a day? Average… probably
14. Do you drink a lot of wine? When I can
15. When's the last time you drank? tonight
16. What are your 5 favorite drinks?
-goose martini, dirty 3 olives
-texas beach tea, splash strawberry daq mix
-pineapple vodka
17. Have you ever thrown up from drinking? Of course
18. Ever done a Keg Stand? 36 seconds… almost passed out
19. Name someone that will repost this? Duto.. haha I hope
20. Ever been streaking while drinking? Yes… haha
21. Hot tub/pool naked bc of alcohol? Come on, it’s me…
22. Failed any college courses due to alcohol alone? Hell no I do better…
23. Ever hooked up w/more than 1 person in a night bc of alcohol? No…
24. Ever woken up & said "dude wheres my car" and meant it? Probably?
25. Ever carried someone up & down a flight of stairs due to their lack or coordination? Yes…
26. Have u ever taken the shirt off your back to clean up a friends puke? Not my shirt but close enough
27. Puked in a friends car? Don’t think so
28. Puked in a friends house? I think only my own
29. Ever drank more beers than years you were old in one outing? Hell yeah…