i think i've learned something new about life... maybe something i already knew... but i guess now it's at the forefront of my mind... in life we under-estimate what we're capable of, because we're afraid of being hurt or rejected... after all when you accept what you know you can have, what disappointment is there to have? when you go after what
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Yes, it is good not to have such high expectations in life cause then, you can not crash and burn, or like you said, be let down. At the same time, settling is no good. I mean, if you settle on well...anything, you are always selling yourself short in the end. You are not really doing what you really want, whatever "it" may be. And if you really dont want something, why have it at all?
To me, I am just really big on not settling on anything in life. I think yo u know that already. I know thats not all youre saying here either. It is also good to not aim so high all the time because you cant be let down so much then.
I mean there is a lot of cliche sayings I can say here like...."dont let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game" or "dont let life pass you by" or something to that effect. I mean, I dont know. I think this can be taken a bunch of different ways, and it depends on the person. I think with certain things in life, sometimes you have to aim high or take a big chance because the payoff will be that much better. But in other areas it may be, like with girls, to aim lower cuase then you dont get your hopes up and then you dont get all sad or whatever when the bitches say they dont like you haha. Cause lord knows they do that to us nice guys.
Since I think now, that im thinking about it, that the root of this post is coming from girls and their suckyness, youre right in respects to girls. Just aim low and you wont be let down. And there is plenty to pick from, i mean think about it this way. 6 billion people in the world...better yet, 285 million people in the US. Since our region is the most populated out of the country...we'll say approximately 18 million people live in our area being all of NJ, some of PA and some of NY (mostly NYC). You figure, its probably about 50/50 in terms of guys and girls..maybe 60/40. Yea..60/40 sounds good...so 60% guys, 40% girls. So, thats about 7 million girls in our area of the country alone. 7 million! Ok...so now...lets say about 1.5-2 million of that is actually our age, being 19-25 years old. Now of that 1.5 million of girls that are 19-25 in our area..I would say about at least 1.25 million of them are totally crazy/psycho. Probably more haha. Anyway....
so that leaves about 250,000 girls in our area of the country alone, 19-25 who are probably normal and nice girls. Now, Im sure you probably noticed, but 250,000 is a pretty big number haha. When it comes down to, is sometimes you gota take a chance. Put yourself out there. I know youre a great guy, you know youre a great guy....these girls are to blame, not us mitch haha. I know this comment is really really long and maybe pointless..but oh well. I think it makes sense.
You, more than anyone, knows i have been more shit with girls than probably anyone. And you and me combined..well we hold the world record or something. But i continue to try to put myself out there. Will I settle though? Nope. I cant and you know that. I dont think you can either. I know you are probably telling yourself that I am wrong and that you can and you will...but I know and you know, eventually, you will not be happy unless the girl makes you feel incredible. And someone you settle on, will not make you feel like that. The main point of all those numbers and girls in our area of the country was basically saying to you and myself I guess...she's out there. I mean...its a basic law. The law of averages. Eventually...if we keep playing, we gota win. We gota. No team loses every game and eventually then win because the law of averages tells us so.
Ok I am really done now haha. Wow, this is longer than your post haha. Sorry. Hope to see you soon.
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