Наука умѣетъ много гитикъ

Aug 02, 2019 11:00


This book provides a complete review of the role of CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere and reveals detailed information about the subject of climate change. Many different science disciplines are visited and discussed and each area is introduced with a brief summary written to appeal to a broader audience. The logic of CO2 involvement in changing the climate is investigated from every perspective: reviewing the historical data record of Ice Ages with vast ice sheets, noting the interglacial periods of little or no ice, examining in further detail the 20th century data record and evaluating the radiation role of CO2 in the atmosphere. The radiation calculations, using the appropriate equations and data are reviewed in great detail. The results of this review and examination reveal no role of CO2 in any change of the Earth’s climate.

Можно-ли надѣяться, что этого приспѣшника мiровой закулисы, проплаченнаго нефтегазовыми лоббистами, этого такъ называемаго ученаго, будутъ слушать?

Я увѣренъ, что въ этой книгѣ - неправильная наука. Ну не можетъ быть, что испускаемый промышленный СО2 (около 1% отъ всего CO2: около 30*10^9 изъ 3*10^12 тоннъ) не играетъ никакой роли въ климатѣ. Даже движенiе Луны играетъ роль.

science, climate

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