May 10, 2007 11:19

I'm totally not into the icon making scene, but what the hell? right? ganked from several friends..

1) Comment with you LJ username and I'll pick one of your LJ interests and make you an icon.
2) You have absolutely no say in what I make.
3) All icons will be shareable. Your choice! *original* =D
4) You can pick between having a normal icon or an animated icon.
5) If you do partake in it, please put this in your LJ so I can do the same to you. Or not. Whatever you want. =)

And I caught a Minun in Pokémon Diamond, and Gerry caught a Plusle... so we traded and NOW I HAVE PLUSLE! YAY! That was the happiest moments of yesterday.. quite sad, but whatever.

I'm making a new team that has all three starters(one bred, the other two got in the GTS).. but one has a Japanese name and I can't change it D: maybe I can ask teila what the Turtwig's name is when I see her. And Plusle will be on that team, along with Flygon, once the Trapinch evolves into him.. and the last one is Swellow :D He/She just has to hatch.

Right now my team is: Pikachu, Gyrados, Rapidash, Staraptor, Roserade and.. an HM whore that I change in sometimes..Through some breeding, I hope to make a kickass team for the Battle Tower.
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