Apr 12, 2007 14:40
Generally I don't mind the rain, but when it's cold and POURING and I'm soaked to the bone, then I just want to go home. Bleh.
Anyway, I saw Phantom of the Opera yesterday! For the fourth time! XD;
And let me tell you, I would see it again in a heartbeat. I just love that play so much and I can see why my mother has seen it an even 10 times and will jump at the chance to see it again.
And I was also reminded of why it's been there on Broadway for 19 years. I've seen a lot of weekday performances for other shows in the off-season and most are generally empty(except Wicked) I assumed that Phantom would be the same. After all, it's been there a while... right?
It was SOLD OUT. No empty seats ANYWHERE.
Ughhh the play was SOOOO good. If it weren't for the annoying people(some people were talking and using cell phones till the ushers yelled at them) and my seat(it was pretty crappy), it would have been perfect.
Countdown to Pokemon Diamond/Pearl: 10 days