Ah the happy family!
D, Matt and I went to an Ocha b-day yesterday. I mentioned this in passing. Ocha is the name of the spiritual tradition and the same of a ceremony where someone is crowned as a priest /priestess or Santero/Santera. She had a beautiful throno (throne) for her Orisha's and a really cool house. At lot of my Godfamily has really cool stories on how they come by happy luck, as some would say, these awesome things like houses etc. She was clear that the house was requested by Ochun, the Orisha of love (amoug many other things) and how she decorated it with her in mind, including an actual peacock (One of Ochun's fave birds) on the wall! She also had a Sopera (the beautiful pottery where an Orisha secrets are kept) for a rare Orisha Obba. My friend Matt is a child of Obba so he was really delighted to see her shrine. He is getting his eleke's (necklaces representing the Orishas) coming up so we are going to have a sleep over at my house. The elekes is often one of the first initiations into the tradition. He has waited a long time and he is really excited. I am happy for him. The Orisha's have helped him with his depression and I am so stoked that he is feeling relief from that. Depression sucks.
When they were doing a reading with Coco's (coconuts) the Santero, my Padrino (godfather)
I started to feel really light headed and something brushed past my arm. I looked behind me and their was no one there save for her Mum way in the kitchen. I noticed other people shaking their heads and my Padrino actually rubbed his eye's and had to pause.
They explained to me that is was the Eggun (Yoruban) Muerte (Spanish) the dead (English) that hangs around. I started to feel out of sorts but didn't say anything. I am recognizing how it feels when they are around and it , I feel has been good for ghost hunting. When the reading was over and the Orisha's had their say, we compared notes and others felt as I did.
We took off back to the city, feeling really good we'd seen people we hadn't seen in a while.
Guess who managed to open the bathroom door and escape?? Little Noemi had the run of the house, I rapidly ran around to check for wet spots and poop and was really happy to see that there was none except on her paper. I was so proud of her!
We played a lot and I noticed not once did I turn the TV on, just crawled around on my hands and knees after Miss Cuteness and successfully got her to play fetch a few times. Later we work on "give me paw". She ran a track through the house, stopping by the chair Sugar was sleeping in to give a little bark till she woke up and tore off again.
Davey and her decided to watch TV were i took in a little "Taltos" by Anne Rice. When I started to get sleepy I told them i was going to lay down and pass out. I actually have been sleeping pretty heavy lately and didn't notice when D came to bed.
Apparently it was about 4 a.m. He was having dreams about Oreo cookies and not being able to get them in his mouth, they would just crumble. When I walked out to the front room there were pieces of bark everywhere from this cool piece of bark that Davey had found. Apparently she had been chewing on it and dropping it on his face while he slept!
She must have been a little peeved he wasn't playing back cause she also pooped on the pile of bark. I was thankful it was on my vinyl flooring near where my tattoo station is.
Too late to get her to the paper! Her first mess up in a couple days. I still feel she is doing pretty good!
Tonight I am going to work on drawings. My friend Medea is coming by to get a (Calavera)Sugar Skull. I am excited she is cashing in on her credits with me, I am excited to get to work on this.The following weekend I have another client coming from Modesto for a Ed Hardy tattoo, the match to the poison one i did on Shannon. Her's will have red hair with gold highlights and green eyeshadow and say "toxic".
i have been commissioned to do a portrait in black and white with a spot of colour for the eyes. I'll be getting to that too. I am quite behind in my goals for paintings. I guess that's what new years resolution are about?
Lunch over, back to work.