Idea, that will take a while to flourish

Jan 09, 2014 09:23

I had an idea recently, popped into my head by ADoseofBuckley on youtube, about doing movie reviews. Similar to that of Buckley's Musical Autopsies. I'm not sure if I will actually do this, even though I do watch a lot of movies, I love watching movies, but it requires a larger genre of movies than what I watch. Take for instance, if I did this then most of my movies would be that of the action/adventure variety.

Then the issue of doing this comes from time management, I am horrible at it, and as of right now I have a lot of things going on. Which all of these reasons to me are probably really excuses to you. One person's trash and all that rot. Though not with actual trash, cause that would be kind of disgusting. If I do end up making a video blog (VLOG?) then of course I'll create a tab to let others know when the updates are, maybe do a preview for coming weeks episode. I can also backdate the movies, because movies take a while to come out... So I could go in a random order or something.

I'm not sure as of yet, this is really just an idea as of now and maybe one day I'll pursue it.

Anyway, thank you for reading and I hope to one know that someone is actually reading this stuff. Though I highly doubt it.


my journal: me in a nutshell

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