Jan 29, 2013 18:13
Last week had the flu. Felt shabby all weak - tired, but no mucus or nausea or other issues. Didn't really know what it was so I went in and worked. Work has been busy and thus good. Much to think about and do.
Been planning online gaming with friends for some time. It has not yet come to pass.
Have plans to clean my pad and write letters. These might come to pass soon.
Making plans to visit family this year. No conventions are scheduled. No extraneous vacations are planned. I will probably see if I can visit Michigan, assuming others have available schedules (no point in the trip if I can't see the family).
Also planning on improving my health. Am currently swimming at the gym 3 days a week, running once a week. In the March/April timeframe, I am running with a comrade from work at a running event or two.
I have diabolical plans for a roleplaying campaign that will likely never happen. I think I might just record it all to get it out of my head to make room for other bad ideas.
Life is still very good.