Apr 03, 2005 17:57
The sun rose particularly high in the crisp and cold morning, and with it came warmth and renewal. The white blanket covering the land subsided and soon the only thing visible was green. With this came life, plants sprung up high stretching out towards the sun as green buds opened like closed fists waiting to receive the light from the sun and animals emerged from the comfort of their wooded forests to bask in the beautiful day. Sitting upon a large rock was a man who was watching this all in wonder and awe. Flowers rose at his feet and opened before his eyes to greet him and continue to inspire, and then he too suddenly was filled with a renewed vitality that coursed though his body as the long depressing winter finally had met it's end. A smile formed from the stern face as he gave thanks. He no longer felt lonely, he no longer felt despair. Although he was alone the time he spent quietly in thought, meditating and praying had made the haze of doubt dissipate - the answers he sought were within his reach all along. Happiness came in the form of spring.