LJ Barcode
take the test] - [by
Yep. Blah. That's all I feel like writing. I've actually been having a very eventful summer so far. Lots to put in my lj. When I get around to it. The short end of it is I went to Brezzy's and Serena came and we watched movies and got sugar high (A Guy Thing, Hot Chick, Charlie's Angels. Have you seen Hot Chick? HILARIOUS.) and I'm taking Drivers Ed and I got my permit on Monday and I also got a food handlers permit on Monday so I can work at the espresso stand sometimes (freeee coffeeee). The best thing in the world- I CAN DRIVE! First day I got my permit I drove home from the high school parking lot down the street. Almost hit a couple of mailboxes in the large van (truck chassy. big.), but I've gotten better. Yay for me.
I found out that I can't officially work at Brezzy's Espresso because they can't afford to pay double wages. Grr. But my sister has this friend names Cheyanne, who's like 12, and she has two little sisters who are like 10 and 6, and they need a babysitter... so I'm thinking I could babysit them once in a while, if I find that I have anything remotely resembling spare time. x.x How am I going to manage rp'ing? I'm already slacking. In the past half hour I've put up two posts, and I still have at least five posts to write.
And my mom keeps nagging at my to clean up my room. It's not bad! Just because there's stuff on the floor around my desk doesn't mean it's dirty. Cleaning is just a long and slow process for me. Can't wait to tackle the closet. x.x