Oh man I passed all 4 stations at the registry practical! Sweet! I just have to take the written now on the 19th! Oh man I have such a busy schedule for the rest of this month.
- On Wednesday (8/12) I leave for NYC with just me and the baby.
- On Saturday (8/15) I leave NYC for FL with my parents, my baby, and my little brother.
- The baby and I have to be back in GA by Monday (8/17).
- My written exam is on Wednesday (8/19).
- On Saturday (8/22) I have to go back to FL, get my parents and little brother and then come back to GA.
- On Thursday (8/27) is Ladies Night at the Olive Garden with Mom, MIL, Church friends, and me.
- Early Friday (8/28) I have to drive mom, dad, and lil' bro up to ATL airport and see them off.
This does not include finding time to study before the exam, the fact that the trip to NYC is going to take roughly two days since I don't have another driver...whatever my family and I are going to do while they are here and any other errands that need to be done and so forth! I need a clone! Or 20!
Man I want to read a good kind of Cop/Criminal fic GW 1=2 smut...any suggestions anyone? Or someone want to write me one (hint hint Lizzie Bear! *pokes you with inspiration stick* )
Love you all!