Regarding yesterday's Discovery and the ensuing actions:
I am making this post because it’s hours later now and I am no longer in the midst of freaking out and having a weird anger/embarrassment heat rash pop up all over my skin because I have great reactions to life.
Yes, Tyler Seguin linked to a fandom post. The author of the post in question, Rsadelle, thought it was hilarious and did not want to lock it because of her open fandom policy. That’s great for her. As far as anyone can tell, no one in fandom specifically linked the post or made a big deal out of it. It was a Discovery. And of fucking course it was Tyler Seguin, on reflection. Who else would publicly link something like that to one of his friends in a barely passive but definitely aggressive statement on one of his bros girlfriends.
Discovery happens. We are aware of that. My first really Real Fandom Experience was in bandom. Trust me; I get the discovery and fourth wall breakage.
And, to an extent, it is fucking hilarious that Tyler did this. It is such a non-rational human being action that honestly, I can laugh at it some. I would laugh at it more if it hadn’t been for fandom’s response.
Rsadelle was under no obligation to lock that post. She authored it. That is her prerogative.
But in taking no further action at the time, she allowed other people to be unwittingly and unwillingly involved. For instance, me.
I put together a three part primer and timeline of Tyler Seguin and his boys. People had asked for it, and essentially, I spent my summer vacation putting it together.
I did temporarily lock it for a time, when the daily dot article plan was being discussed, because I have no desire for anything like that primer to get any kind of spotlight outside of fandom. BUT, I unlocked it once that was sorted because I wanted people in fandom to be able to access it without having to go through and request access from me.
It really does not feel unreasonable to me to be able to do something like this and expect that other people can respect that, just because I am leaving something public, does not mean I want it to be PUBLIC in general.
I say this because this primer was linked to in Rsadelle’s post at the very beginning of it. To her credit, she did immediately remove it when I asked her to, which I thank her for.
My problem is this, as Rsadelle stated, she removed links as people asked.
No one should have had to ask.
I should not have had to ask. I was not asked for the primer to be linked to in that post in the first place. I had never consented to it being linked to in that post, but I didn’t end up bringing it up then because I, perhaps naively, thought: it’s fandom; what is it going to hurt? Rsadelle writes for the pairing and, though we have never really spoken, I just decided to let it go.
So yesterday, I wake up from a nap because I am fucking exhausted from holiday things and etc, and I have dozens of panicky tweets from friends on twitter trying to tell me about what happened. Because they rightly realized that I had no desire to be involved in this. So, two hours later, I get to go through and lock down all of my hockey shit again. It will not be unlocked any time in the foreseeable future.
I would like to leave things unlocked to facilitate sharing and to invite more people into fandom, invite them into more pairings, but I do not feel that I can do that. Because this event has made it clear that certain people cannot respect the difference between fandom public and general public. This is not intended to be a specific calling out of Rsadelle, but of every person in fandom whose only reaction was to laugh along with her and think this was okay. This was not okay. Her fandom policy is not my fandom policy, and yet her policy got to override mine and infringe on my right to police my space.
Yes, I understand when I post something publicly, I cannot expect to control what happens from there. As people have brought up, it’s like when you post a picture on facebook that might be compromising and get mad if your friends share it. They’re right, it’s exactly like that. Only, the thing you are missing there is that, I AM ALLOWED TO FEEL MAD, UPSET, AND BETRAYED in both those situations.
Fandom, like friends you have on facebook, is part of your group. I like to think your group would be willing to watch out for you. That did not happen here until I was awake and around to enforce it.
Everyone who just thought this was funny, that this action of just leaving it and letting other people get exposed to this as well, I do not agree with you. At all. And those of you who are thinking that those of us who are getting upset about it have no right to be upset? You do not get to police my reactions to things that involve me specifically.
When the daily dot article was brought up, fandom lost their shit. It was not okay for Aja to go around and “expose fandom” but an accidental exposure that was allowed to expose several other people and posts with it is totally okay? Talk about hypocritical.
In the first scenario, some people talked to Aja, some went into lockdown mode, and some people kept on keeping on with no regard. Aja decided to change the focus of the article. She listened to the concerns of the people in this fandom. Several people were still pissed throughout this because, what? Because an “Outsider” was infringing in our space? And the reaction could be classified as keeping an Outsider from poking around.
So Tyler Seguin somehow finds this post, theories being that someone he knows found and commented on it and linked him. That part is outside of our control. But the failure to minimize other people’s exposure, the disregard of people’s feelings about being involved in it, and the attitude that, since it was one of our own carrying out these actions that it was okay? Is not a thing I am okay with. It is hypocritical of the people in fandom and it is disrespectful of the other people in this fandom.
Like I said, Rsadelle did remove the links to my primer, and I do thank her for that, but I still should not have had to ask.
Please err on the side of caution in these situations. If one of your posts gets publicly linked and you are okay with it, that is fine. Do what you will with your stuff, but please put a screen on the comments to protect those who might not be okay with it and might not be around to remove their own comments. Please at least temporarily remove links to other people’s work until you have contacted them to see if they are okay with leaving it up. There is no reason to disregard other people’s reactions and willingness to be involved with these situations. Please at least consider being courteous of other people’s involvement, because fandom is connected and it is never just about you.
Please just be respectful of other people’s right to do fandom in their own way.
(12:59) ETA: Rsadelle did post
this this morning, which is basically exactly what I mean here. Though, to reiterate, this is not directed specifically at Rsadelle but to all of fandom.
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