Well, I'm a naturally kind of cautiously cynical person, so I am bracing for a lock-out. Which mostly means denying reality in general and focusing on how I will get my hockey fix. Because apparently I find ice skating sounds and people hitting each other to be very soothing, to the surprise of absolutely no one who knows me. (No really, when I was falling into hockey obsession and anyone asked why, I would just say "you know I like things on ice" and that's an entire explanation for my family.)
An easy solution to this is college hockey, which, there is still none near me but fuck it. I have internet so :P
Here's a post with some college hockey info, if you're interested. The best thing about that post, though, is this video:
And because I am a terrible person, I already found their twitter accounts and confirmed they are equally adorable there. But! In a rare moment of restraint and in a move that hopefully reduced the creeper value by at least 10%, I did not screencap everything. You should all be very proud of me. Also, technically I did not *find* their twitters, as I was previously informed they existed. and were obviously named.
In news of other likely bad life choices, I started watching the L.A. Complex because gifsets on tumblr. Of course, I then proceeded to stay up until 4AM watching through ep 3 of the second season. So, probably falling into the bad life choice section. Because, guess what I'm going to do tonight? >.>
My job starts back up again next week, with the full days of "job training" that amount to fake school and mostly learning fuck all and being bored. So that'll be a delight. The good news is I won't be spamming twitter with my every thought since my phone doesn't do twitter. The bad news is, I will likely never catch up on the internet ever.
At least this time, I'll know people I'm working with some? And where training is. So, hopefully shouldn't be too bad. Plus, Oregon seems to be back to not doing summer so our campus tours and "scavenger hunts" won't be as hellish. Hell, my sister even has a job on campus now, so we could almost even carpool! wheee~ she's going to hate that idea so much.
I have to let my person go back to California since SCHOOL even though I *just* got her back, so imma pout and be bitter about that for a little while and text her incessantly during every work training break because that's how I do.
I cried my mom into taking the cat to the vet next week since she has weird lumps going on in her belly area and I'm really hoping it isn't anything bad, but. We'll see.
Anyway, Doctor Who is back tomorrow.,I still need to catch up on the Vampire Diaries, and I feel a re-read of the Hunger Games coming on.
In conclusion, puppies
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