So. I am actually in a noooootttttttt good mood from work because, well, work. And also some idiot kept calling my cellphone because he lost his and he was trying to call his mom. He called for four hours. And I actually answered twice. So. Deemed an idiot at this point. I AM NOT YOUR MOM, DUDE.
Yeah, not really in the mood for this ep. But then small Katherine, a flashback to Stefan’s “Ripper” days in the …20s? Yeah, I’m going with 20s.
“you know you’re dreaming about me. Explains the drool.” <--- Oh, damon.
Seriously. Caroline’s dad….I can’t even. Also, HOW THE FUCK AHS NO ONE NOTICED THAT CAROLINE IS MISSING YET? HOW ARE YOU SO PREOCCUPIED WITH EVERYTHING THAT YOU DON’T NOTICE THAT? Oh, yeah, baby vampire is MIA, whatevs. Not that that could mean any number of bad things. Not that she doesn’t get captured every other week or anything.
“You may be invincible, but that doesn’t make you funny”. I like this witch. Too bad she’s probably going to be dead by the end of the episode. Probably from her heart being ripped out, especially if Damon gets a hold of her. Or Rebecca will be. Do we know who Rebecca is? Because I don’t know who she is.
Whoa, and Klaus and Stefan are in an old photo together? Whaaaaaaaat the fuck.
Oh, finally. Jesus. Caroline’s mom finally called her. Okay, how sad is it that Tyler is the one to be like “um, hey guys. Where the fuck is Caroline?” Not because it’s Tyler, but. Alright. If your not-really boyfriend who you kind of slept with once and then reportedly skipped out on notices that you are missing before anyone else does…that’s kind of bad. Because Elena and Bonnie are supposed to be her best friends. Even though Bonnie is…elsewhere right now (visiting her father’s family? Or something?), you’d think they’d pick notice at some point. Maybe.
Okay, I really can’t take this. Why is it always Caroline? Why is it always the torture?
OH, HEY, so that’s Rebecca. HOLY SHIT. She’s Klaus’s sister? What? What? WHUT?
Klaus learned some of his favorite tricks from Stefan. Jeez. Fuck. So….right. Klaus was his “number one fan”. More things I can’t handle.
Mentions of Lexie! Oh, I wish we got to see more of her.
OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK. Damon. You do NOT leave Elena alone. Particularly in a house where you were like “Oh, well, the tour isn’t done yet” as in, they’ll probably come by later. Sometimes, Damon really needs to be slapped in the face. … Oh, well, he had an hour to process it, be mad at himself, and move on. And then come up with some plan that will probably end terribly. Because, they always do.
Okay, this Caroline stuff is fucking heartbreaking. And no, Caroline’s dad, I don’t give a fuck that you are doing that because you don’t want to kill her. The solution is to just not be a dick at all. You could be like “Oh, yeah. Um. I killed her. Yes. It was terrible. No, she isn’t secretly in another state, I wouldn’t do that.” Because it’s not like Mrs. Lockwood had second thoughts about this already or anything.
Klaus: I see they’ve opened the door to riffraff
Damon: Oh, honey, I’ve been called worse.
Ha, I really do like this new witch. A lot.
I don’t know if it’s just my mood or if I’ve just never been all that invested in Stefan and Elena’s relationship or both, but yeah. I’m just frowning over them over not knowing that Caroline was chained up and getting tortured by her dad.
This is like, the best mom moment we have ever seen on this show. Edit: Okay, i kind of forgot about last ep with Carol Lockwood probably winning at handling surprise monster children. But still. This was pretty great.
Holy shit. This is also beautiful. We are actually seeing someone comfort Caroline about her life being shit. This almost never happens. Tyler…when did you become my favorite? After Caroline of course. Ugh, just. DO YOU SEE THAT, MATT? DO YOU SEE HOW TO NOT BE A DOUCHE AFTER SOMEONE ELSE HAS A TERRIBLE TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE? HOW TO BE THERE FOR THEM? MAYBE TRY TO MAKE A JOKE, BUT NOT MAKE IT ALL ABOUT YOU AND HOW ~HARD IT WAS FOR YOU, WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM?
This Klaus thing is like a really terrible Stockholm Syndrome from the past thing. Seriously, he replaced Damon with Klaus.
Damon and Katherine chatting on the phone is always fun for me.
Updates, Service Reports, Migration Information, The Works is the update
bookshop rounded up for the day. So. there's your Not-So-Delicious update for the day!