So, yes, if you follow any Hawaii five-0 comms at all, then you know about the deleted scenes floating about and generally being delightful. Except for that one where a girl shows up in a bikini and crazy high heels and fixes the Marquis in five seconds. Because I could buy the bikini, since it's Hawaii and...that at least is a possibility. Sure, she's also great at cars, fine, cool. but the heels? Really? Driving in heels sucks in general, but where are you going in heels and bikini? Seriously, where? Because you a definitely not going to the beach. Anyway, good job taking that out, whoever took that out. because that was a wise decision, given the wonky chemistry and the funky acting and the general sense of wtf is happening. Plus, I am always in favor of more bickering and less "girls fall into Steve's lap all the time and he's all, no big, and Danny is all O.O on the sidelines all the time'
Um. Anyway. There are scenes with more Mary and also Catherine! \o/
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Steve and Mary bicker and then bicker some more, Kono has an mourning moment (which Grace knocks out of the park) which Max...accompanies with a piano. which is kind of touching. but also weird.
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HEY, YOU GUYS, THERE'S A SCENE IN HERE THAT ACTUALLY CONSIDERS LAW FOR A SECOND. IT'S EXCITING. So, yes, they did almost account for some of the legal handwaving of the trial/jungle episode.
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Aaaaaaand I'm just including this one because my brain always fills in "have I told you lately" with "that I love you". So. That just makes me giggle.
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There. That was my h50 fest for....the official end of summer? or whatever.