This time, we see more stupid werewolves.
b) Bonnie and Caroline are talking. I approve. (Something I don’t approve of is Matt being an idiot because, dud, it isn’t any of your business, you are being an ass and alienating all your friends.)
c) Tyler actually pulled that little lift off pretty smoothly. Of course, he is endangering Elena now (because he is a stupid head. Jesus, when is this kid going to learn to actually collect all the information before acting? Or to talk to Jeremy about this shit. Jeremy wants to talk to you about your supernatural shit. AT LEAST THINK BEFORE ACTING.)
d) Ahaha, Elena, you were hilarious with that little invitation trick.
e) It’s always fun when normal people in town do things like introduce vampires who’ve attempted to kill each other in the past. It’s the largest disconnect.
f) Jealous Jeremy is jealous. And Bonnie has so got the witchy down.
g) Uh, yeah, there are a lot of conversations to have about your future as a couple. Not touching that particular box of questions right now seems like the much less complicated option though.
h) John and Alaric…uh. That was. Uncomfortable. Anyway. Moving on.
i) Damon does not make smart life choices. Pretty much ever. He could also do with some lessons in thinking before acting.
j) Haha, Stefan has started saying things that I think. Well, at least about the jacket and looking hot in it.
k) Hmm. A false wall that reveals a weapons
l) Ha, Caroline “that was pretty hot”. But, Bonnie:“what was that?” Dude, Bonnie, last ep, you were pretty much on a date with him. And being very touchy feely. So. Yeah.
m) Yay Alaric and Damon buddy times! Short, but yeah. I agree with Alaric pretty much always I think.
n) Fucking werewolves. Seriously. Fucking fuckity fuck. ( Tyler wasn’t with them, right? I didn’t think so…not sure.) Ugh, okay, dude, Tyler. This asshole tortured the girl you were kissing like, two days ago
o) I want to punch John in the face. That’s really all I have to say. (though, yeah, someone should really be cluing Jenna in by now.
p) Damon’s little worried check of Alaric’s hand was precious.
q) And now we’re back to fucking werewolves. Who really have a thing for torture.
r) I love that Elena gets a feeling that something is wrong and immediately grabs a knife. She is so fucking smart throughout this scene. And Brady is dead. Tyler somewhat redeemed himself to me. There were hugs. I approve of this scene.
s) Ack to the torture. Oh! And Elijah proves that he is useful once more, though he’s still an ass who is planning on killing Elena.
t) Eek! Brotherly check-ins.
u) Elena proves that she is outthinking everyone. And Stefan is calling her out on her martyr behavior.
v) THE MOST AWKWARD CONVERSATION EVER. Bonnie and Jeremy. Um. Yeah, still do not approve of this weirdness.
w) …Tyler…that was probably the nicest thing I’ve ever heard you say. (though, I do not think Caroline deserves a douche weasel) And where do you think you are going, anyway? Oh, Jules. No more lies indeed. I still don’t know why Jules wanted Tyler to come along with their caravan anyway, but, yeah. At least she got what she wanted.