Good night!

Sep 18, 2006 22:15

Okay. So far I'm liking Mondays. I mean, I still hate Mondays by virtue that they are Mondays. [see reference- "Monday Monkey" cross ref w/- "Weekend" and "living"]

But the early release staff development Mondays are quite nice. Kids show up, I teach for 45 minutes, repeat for six periods, and then I can make theatre plans with my elite private army known as Comedy Sportz.

Just a few notes I'm jotting down here before I go to bed....

1. I think I'm going to train over at Garden Grove dojo for awhile. I think the seniors there can get me to the next level. Garden Grove practices are a lot like Dave's practices so I should feel right at home.

2. Chiropractor meetings have been added to my agenda for at least the next four months. My health plans fully covers it so it was a nice deal when they offered it to me. Go in, get popped, get fixed. My spine looks really freaky in the lumbar region. I have lower scoliosis. According to my mom, I get that from my dad. Dag. But they're gonna fix me up good.

3. Plans are to be made quickly for M*A*S*H*. I'll be in full pre-production mode after Wednesday and auditions go on the 12th and 13th of October. The battle begins....

4. Monster Massive!!!! Get here! NOW! Got my tickets and now I need a costume. I'm leaning towards trying my hand at a Pan- The Goat God costume.
Calling in sick for sho' on this one.

Okay enuff for now. Just needed some stuff in writing.

[pumpkin pie season is coming....]
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