(no subject)

Jun 20, 2005 09:35

Hello there,

I have just returned from a week at TCU.  All I have to say is, I had a blast!  I met so many incredibly nice and neat people, and I am excited to be going to TCU this coming fall. (man I feel like a nerd every time I say that)  Any who, I will not bore you with any details.  Speaking of going off to college, I recently had a conversation with a friend that sorta circled around the topic of having a relationship in college.  I am curious to see what everyone else thinks about this topic.  If you are in a relationship now and you are leaving someone behind or going to different schools should you stick with it or hop out?  Do you think it would be wise to start a realtionship now with only 2 months left till everyone leaves?  Is anyone experiencing this currently (ie you being the young one in the realtionship who has a gf/bf that is at a different school)  If so, how is this working for you?  I talked to a girl from TCU that said she has been dating this guy for 2 years and he went off to college last year.  They were about 5 hrs away from each other and yet they still were able to keep up their relationship, and this next year she will be attending TCU and her boyfriend will stay at his college that he is currently attending.  I asked her what her secret was, and she said A LOT of trust.  So really guys, I am super curious about this so let me hear your input or stories.  Tah tah
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