meme-sheepery, stolen form more than I can remember

Dec 27, 2006 22:30

My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Reverend Countess Chaotic_lady the Prickly of Walk upon Water
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title

i won't tell much about christmas now, just that my biggest "present" was a big fat ugly cold. I was at my parents over the holidays and on christmas eve I lay in bed, shivering, although I wore a t-shirt, a cardigan, jeans and had a big fluffy warm blanket that I could hide under.
It got a bit better utnil now, but today I went to the doctor and he told me I shouldn't go to work this week and come back to him if it hasn't improved until friday. We'll see. I'll try to leave the cold in the old year. ;-)


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