I spend an hour and a half panicking and all I got was this stupid pencil

Oct 03, 2004 22:05

Took the Mensa admissions test this Saturday.

What a load of pretentious pricks.

"Madame" Muratori and the two other old bats proctoring the test were complete jerks in regard to my age. As they explained Mensa, they kept saying things such as "Sometimes children *glares at teenage girl in first row* are allowed to our events, sometimes not." I swear, she put an emphasis on children and glared at me every time. I wanted to attend Sunday's Dim Sum just to make intelligent conversation with her and prove her preconceived notions wrong. I decided not to. Not only because I had prior plans, but I think it was only 18+.


I did, however, receive a warm welcome from the other participants (Despite the fact that I was the youngest by at least ten years. Aside from the seventeen year-old creepy guy in the corner. He was scary.)

Oh, and I was seated next to a gentleman who could very much pass for the lovechild of Helen's boyfriend and John Cusack, with a bit of boyish Conor Oberst thrown in. He was quite adorable in a "Damn, Helen would like this..." sort of way. He was the only one who found my crack about the proctors evaluating our spacial relationship capabilities (by making us move the tables back into position) humourous. However, he didn't pass that test...he enclosed himself in the middle of the tables and looked like a confused little puppy. He was intelligent though, and from talking to him afterward, it seems as though we did similarly on the test. Aside from the comprehension and memory testing portion. That he had some difficulty with.

Chibi time today! It was much much fun. Even though he kept falling asleep on me. ^^;;

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