Thanks for all the love, guys. I would respond individually, but alas...lethargy...
People should go to the
Brushes With Life (click me, I'm a link) exhibit at the NC Museum of Art. It looks very interesting, basically art done by the mentally ill (schizophrenic at least...I'm not sure if it encompasses other mental disorders). My inner psychology and art nerds were delighted by the news.
Hmm, what else. Oh, Monday, pelvic ultrasound to make sure I don't have some sort of deadly pelvic disorder. Mainly looking for a problem with my abdominal aorta, I think. And those organs in the endocrine system. Mmm...endocrine...
Don't worry, I won't die.
In other, random news, bubble tea sounds like a most interesting beverage. Will have to try it sometime. Apparently they have it at Cup a' Joe? Anyone know if it's tastyful and/or worth the journey from Fuquay?
I love that in a random sampling of my bookcase right now, side by side are:
Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: Al Franken
Three Romantic Tragedies: Shakespeare
Vampire: The Masquerade Rulebook (guys! we need to get a group playing!)
Hitchhiker's Guide Trilogy (and a half):Douglas Adams
Do Penguins Have Knees? and Other Imponderables: David Feldman
The Darwin Awards I and II: Wendy Northcutt
Great Political Wit, Laughing (Almost) All the Way to the White House: Bob Dole
Out of the Ordinary, Essays on Growing Up With Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Parents
I have a book on alternative sexuality touching one written by a Republican. Tehe. ^^
By the way, in reference to the last title, I must work on my essay for IB. For that, I need interviews. Does anyone know any transgendered (pre or post op) persons who would mind giving an interview? They can remain anonymous if they would like...I just need a fair amount from MtF, FtM, and transvestites, if possible. If not, I can look on my own, although it would be nice to talk to someone with whom I have at least somewhat of a connection first.
Off to watch Venus Beauty Institute! Mmm...Audrey Tatou...