May 15, 2005 21:46
It started off by waking up at 6:30 for soundchecks at 8:30. Not so amazing.
We had a mini-meeting at like 9:45ish, then we headed home.
I went to CJ's to hang out. We went to Jewel cause we had a craving for cereal.
We got some Honey Smacks w/ a light saber spoon in it! Amazing.
We saw LNG there too, she was sad she couldn't go to the show, but it's ok.
I got some scrath cards and won $2 and a free ticket. Not bad.
Got back to CJ's, ate our cereal then we just sat around online for a few hours.
We decided to head out to McHenry to pick up Megg.
We drove there, got her then went to McDonalds.
There was this guy/girl Alex working that I wanted to punch in the face. GOD!
We stopped over at my house to pick up my ear plugs and have Megg try on my rapper jumpsuit. She was the bomb-diggity.
After that we drove all the way to Niles to have a quick band practice before the show just to keep the songs fresh in our minds after a week of not playing them. Practice was pretty good.
Me, Megg, and CJ went to Lisa's after cause she had just gotten home form her sister's graduation.
We chilled there, talked with her mom. (Roseanne.)
Holly called so we went over there to deliver a ticket to this little red head kid that I hate cause all he does is fucking stare at me whenever he's around me.
Dropped that off then drove to my house where Jackie and Nicole showed up like 6 min. later.
Phil calls and said he's ready to go, so we were all scrambling to figure out who was driving who cause we still had to go to Roling Meadows to pick up Steff.
CJ drove me, Jackie, Nicole, Lisa, and Megg all in one car, plus we're getting ready to add another person.
We get semi lost on the way there, but we found our way.
Nicole moves up to the front floor in front of Jackie's seat. Lisa's on one window, Megg's next to her, Steff's stuffed in and then I'm against the other window.
(SIDENOTE: It's amazing how fast limbs go numb when cramped together. Also the entire ride was one giant game of Pididdle which the boys lost. We suck. We won on the way back to McHenry though.)
We were far from the highway so we're kinda cruising fast. We get on I-90 and it's backed up cause of an accident on the other side of the expressway. Phil calls frantic cause the band before us is already half done so I have about 15 min. to get there.
We finaly get through the traffic and start flying. As soon as we get on Milwaukee we park at Bank One and literally we all sprinted down the street. I'm carrying my huge ass coffin case and CJ's lugging the bass peddles.
Right when we get there my band is getting on. Perfect timing.
We play the show, IT WAS AMAZING!
I thought we did so good. The kids there loved it, even the random ones. They asked for one more song so we played a little encore.
I broke a knob off my bass and smacked a microphone clear across the stage. Sound guy was pissed. I jumped off the amp and almost fell cause it was on wheels and it almost knocked over a half stack guitar amp off the stage.
We chilled at The Congress for about 30 min. after just chillen.
We're by the main stage and Ray's playing with his drum stick. he drops it and some lady comes up and snatches it real quick. Nicole NICELY asked her for it back cause it was Ray's and the bitch says, "Finder's keepers, it's ours now." HOW FUCKING OLD ARE YOU!!
Jumping ahead a little bit. Phil and Jesus got their cars towed so CJ was gonna drive them to the impound to go get them. We get to the bank and guess what? Cars gone. So me, Lisa, Steff, Megg, Nicole, and Jackie sat at Dunkin' DOnuts for an hour and half why all 3 of them went to go get their cars. We all got a lot of bonding done.
CJ comes back, we chill there for another 20 min. or so then we all squeeze back in the car and head back.
We get semi lost again, but find our way back without much conflict. We dropped off Jackie and Nicole off at my house cause Jackie's car was there, then dropped off Lisa. Mind you all it's like 2 a.m. right now.
Then we began the trek all the way to McHenry with Meg and Steff.
We were driving down Rand taking random pics and we decided to take a little detour down Cuba Rd. since we were there. We saw 4 deer just chillen on the side of the road. I yell "DEER DEER!!" CJ says "where?" as he speeds up. Thank god they didn't run in the road.
Steff looks out the window and thinks she sees the Northern Lights. So we get back onto Rand and her thought it validated.
We all drove the rest of the way looking out the windows at it.
We got to Megg's and just sat outside her house for 6-7 min. and looked straight up.
IT WAS BY FAR THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE! It looked like the sky was on fire and shimmering, it was just amazing.
We drove Steff home, well I did cause CJ was to tired to keep driving then we went home and turned in.
By far, that night was the funnest and most entertaining I think I've ever had, I would do it again anytime. All the random events, geting lost, towed, it was all worth it.
I'd give anything to have another one just like it.
If any of you wanna watch the show just let me know cause I taped it.
I just thought I'd let you all know. Peace.