But one of the things that keeps me from reading it, is that I've heard Book!Kahlan is more of a "damsel-in-distress" type, at least in the first few books? That true? I can't bear the thought of that.
well this other friend told me that she is MORE BAMC in the book.. and there is this thing that is more powerfull than con dar... [she is in the second book]
im in chapter 8 of the first so i didnt rode much..., what i noticed is that they are more friendly in the beginning than in the TV-SHOW.. download the ebook.. read the first chapters.. see what u think.. i loved it, i know that the book is more violent, there are more "sexytiems" lol and everyone waants kahlan. >D
Kinda in the first one, maybe, a little. (hi, btw *waves*) I started reading them with the second book (because that is the one Cara comes in on lol, but not until like, the last 50 pages of a 900 page book, geez wtf, right???) Any way, Kahlan is a TOTAL BADASS. Like, REDEFINES BADASSERY! In WFR it spends a lot of time really explaining confessors, and how lonely they are, and you know, how that sucks, and I think if you are already familiar with that it does come across as damsel-y. So I skipped it (but went back to read it because Bridget loves it so much, haha) But books 2-8 she kicks so much ass. Like, leading armies into battle and setting shit on fire, and cutting bitches on horseback with Cara by her side. URG just thinking of it makes me wish so hard for a 3rd season! The last 3 are, well, complicated with regards to her character. NGL, I was a little disappointed with that whole arc. But, having read them all, I'm super glad that I did, and not just for the subtext ;) (which by the way, is like WHOA! and really
( ... )
Whoa. Thank you. Glad you de-lurked to help a girl out. :)
So, and yes, I'm aware how single-minded I can be but, if I want to read solely for Kahlan/Cara subtext, I should read Temple of the Winds & Faith of the Fallen? I know, I know. I'm such a Kahlan/Cara 'shipper. And I can't stand R/K. At all. I don't care how different he is in the books compared to the show. That whole epic love crap between them just grates my cheese and puts me to sleep. I can't help it. :)
I was all "Awwwwnnn" with the gif, i think i hav a soul.. LOL
""Cara and Kahlan guide us, Cara and Kahlan teach us, Cara and Kahlan protect us...""
so true! i started to read the books.. im in the beggining of the first.. i want cara -.-
loved all your "gif posts" *0*
Perhaps one day. Maybe. I'll most likely start where Cara comes in. Lol.
Thank you!
i dont like the TV-Richard.. only as a puppy.. the book-Richard is tottaly diferent.. cant wait for cara *-*
But one of the things that keeps me from reading it, is that I've heard Book!Kahlan is more of a "damsel-in-distress" type, at least in the first few books? That true? I can't bear the thought of that.
im in chapter 8 of the first so i didnt rode much..., what i noticed is that they are more friendly in the beginning than in the TV-SHOW.. download the ebook.. read the first chapters.. see what u think.. i loved it, i know that the book is more violent, there are more "sexytiems" lol and everyone waants kahlan. >D
This has severly limited my reading intake.
i will see if i keep reading when that happen :3
Yeah, let me know. Lol.
So, and yes, I'm aware how single-minded I can be but, if I want to read solely for Kahlan/Cara subtext, I should read Temple of the Winds & Faith of the Fallen? I know, I know. I'm such a Kahlan/Cara 'shipper. And I can't stand R/K. At all. I don't care how different he is in the books compared to the show. That whole epic love crap between them just grates my cheese and puts me to sleep. I can't help it. :)
Mucho appreciated.
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