The Island (chapter 2)

Dec 06, 2009 17:35

Title: The Island
Chapter 2
Rating: R
Warning: A really graphic dead mouse detail. meaning a gross thing xD
Pairings: AoixUruha


"But they took everything with them. That means the stuff was planned" Takanori said, a sigh following his words. He brushed a raindrop from his forehead and then rolled his eyes.
"It's all a test i said, Takanori. Don't be such a bitch." Yuu crossed his arms and then walked with Kouyou and the others towards the cabin, Takanori soon following after noticing he was being left behind. "Hey wait for me!" He caught up with them and then pouted at Akira when he saw how he laughed at him "Taka, Taka, Taka. You're such a pussy. We were just a few feet away from you and you're running like a little girl already" He chuckled and Takanori punched him on the arm "OW! That stung!" Akira reffered to the punch as a bee sting "Fuck you, Akira. I don't hit that way" He whined and Yuu turned around towards them "Knock it off you two. This is not the time for joking around or fighting."
By the time they found themselves in front of the cabin they were soaked to the bone, Yuu opened the door and let them all go in first.
Yutaka tried the light switch. He clicked it several times "They must have turned off the generator." He sighed in frustration.
"Oh great, no power at all" Takanori complained and stomped the floor.
Lightning flickered outside the window. Kouyou could see that the tables had been pushed against the wall and the chairs were all overturned.
"Did they leave anything in the kitchen?" Akira asked softly as he made his way to the kitchen, his wet shoes sliding on the wooden floor.
Kouyou shrugged and walked after him, 'This isn't happening.' He thought. 'It's the middle of the night and i'm just having a nightmare. I'm dreaming of how i was left behind with my friends in this island. Wake up, Kouyou.' He urged himself. 'Please wake up.'
But no he joined the others in the dark kitchen. Akira had a flashlight he had found and was sending a darting circle of light around the room. "Wow, the shelves are empty." He murmured
"Try the fridge." Takanori said with a slight sad tone.
Kouyou pulled open the heavy metal door. Akira beamed light into the big refrigerator
"Oh, gross!!" Kouyou gagged and then covered his mouth and ran over to the corner of the room "I'm going to be sick" He groaned and then sniffled "We're never getting out of here! We'll die of starvation! We're gonna die!" He screamed.
A hard slap echoed in the empty dark kitchen and silenced everything "Shut the fuck up, Kouyou! we're not going to die!" Takanori yelled at him and shook him by his shoulders "Do you hear me? we're getting out of here! we won't die like this, not here! So you better pull yourself together."
When they all looked back at the refrigerator, the beam of light had revealed a fat mouse dead on its back on the bottom of the refrigerator shelf.
The creature's stomach had been clawed open probably by a cat or a large bird. Red and yellow guts puddled around it. One tiny black eye dangled from its socket.
"At least we have dessert!" Takanori teased
"Who would do that?" Kouyou sniffled and then held onto Yuu's arm
Akira frowned and shuddered as he stared at the dead mouse "Someone had to pick up that dead mouse and drop it in the fridge"
"Remember this is just a test, guys." Yuu insisted once more "Bravery, remember?"
Takanori growled and punched the wall "Test, test, test. We fucking heard you already, Yuu. How many times are you gonna say that?! Test or no fucking test, we're still stuck in this place. No food, nothing!"
Kouyou covered his ears and sobbed harshly "Stop it!!"
Akira sighed and hugged Kouyou gently "Kou's right, Taka, we need to stop the fight and start working together okay? Please don't make this worse. Just try to keep yourself together. Cause Kouyou will lose it if we keep this up." Kouyou was breathing heavily still covering his ears, he was scared. God, he was so scared to die there, to never be rescued or ever found.

A/N: Sorry for the shortness D: Comments are <3

the island, rukixreita, aoixuruha

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