Jul 12, 2009 21:34

(I've been watching a lot of Stargate SG1 lately)

After Dr Jackson , Major Carter and a Russian scientist are trapped on a minisub submerged on an alien water planet due to an electrical fire in the sub...

Scientist: "What do you want to hear? I don't understand why this why happened"
Daniel: "Well given the obvious craftsmanship that went into this thing I don't see how this could POSSIBLY have happened"
Scientist: "If you're implying that everything Russian made if of poor quality, actually.. the sub is Swiss"
Daniel: "So, they occasionally catch fire but they keep perfect time?....sorry, I think I've been hanging around Jack O'Neill too much"

1 minute later...after finding a strange reading on the pressure gauge.

Scientist: "The gauge must be malfunctioning"
Daniel: "But, it's Swiss"
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