
Feb 08, 2005 01:36


Silence. Silent. Softly breath slips
as she sits and listens,
intent in a world without sound.
Insidious silence; slowly succumb,
passionate whispers oft never spoken-
yet somehow, their meaning is found.

I love the aliteration of "s" sounds. They so often suit my mood. As always, all rhyming is a product of the flow, rather than anything that is done intentionally. The art form of the well written, intentional, rhyme has always escaped me. Case in point, I attempted to go on to a second verse, with the intent of rhyming lines 4 and 6, and keeping the same syllabic pattern, and I failed miserably *shakes head*

I don't think it's done, but it's all I have right now.

Oh, and like everything I write, read it out loud, since that is how it is meant to be read.


EDIT 2/09: Switched "slowly" and "succumb" in the 4th line; it seems to flow better that way.

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