Yes, the unthinkable has happened...I now have an LJ.
Ok so maybe it wasn't really that unthinkable, but still it was something that I was rather trying to avoid. I already have so many social applications that I am starting to worry that the only reason I really leave the house is so that I can Twitter about something interesting. For those of you who wish to follow me on Twitter my account is chaoticcalm. Feel free, although I must warn you that it is not all that interesting. I think that if you performed a search on my updates you would find such riveting topics as: at least 5 separate and unrelated mentions of pumpkin soup, a recent tweet about the joy of freshly washed sheets, an exclamation of joy over the discovery of a 'James Kirk street' in a nearby suburb as well as having every 5th tweet pertaining to tea in some way.
I know. My life is just that exciting. It was this excitement, together with the fact that both
spaciireth and
xx_sorceress_xx have an LJ that has finally convinced me to share the sheer awesomeness that it my life. So here it is:
My name is Casey (I know I'm actually giving you a name - the internet will now hunt me down and eat me) and I am a student and career public servant. I did warn you that you could be knocked down by the awesome, but did you listen *shakes head* I thought not. I am currently undertaking a BA in International Relations and International Communication and my work involves educating the public (often against their will, especially in the case of students) of the role/importance/wonderfulness of Australian Parliamentary Democracy.
I am a nerd. There's no point in hiding or denying it, and I have to say that I don't really care to. I am a nerd and proud of it. (We will inherit the earth you know, snatch it right out from under the meek!) I like fantasy and sci-fi, I read fanfiction (lots and lots of it) and although I rarely play video games (I don't have the patience), I very much like the idea of them. My typical night out with friends, instead of involving clubbing and copious amounts of alcohol usually revolves around dinner parties, board games and lots and lots of tea. We do go out clubbing (if you could call it that in Canberra) on occasion, but I'm not hugely fond of drinking or dancing (unless I have been drinking already in which case, both seem like a good idea).
I am also very fond of musicals and musical theatre and I have been involved in Kabuki (traditional Japanese theatre) for the last three years. This year I am going to be kuroko (stage ninja).
I grew up in Melbourne and I will always consider it my home and the best city in the world, but as I continue to live in Canberra and it continues to grow on me (like some sort of strange city fungus) I am also starting to think of it as home. I live in an old small red-brick cottage with two housemates. One is a best friend and awesome guy, the other...not so much. I also have lots of wonderful friends both from Canberra and from Melbourne and in general I am very very happy with life and everything in general. ^_^
As you might have ascertained from the above statement I am not, what many people have labeled 'emo', and I must profess to having little patience with the whole 'emo' movement in general. I am extremely (and I am sure often annoyingly/insufferably) cheerful and bouncy - singing and skipping around the house and in the streets, and at the shops, and...well I'm sure you get the idea (I also whistle...a lot). This does not mean that I do not get annoyed at things or people, just that I get over it really really quickly (usually).
Well, I think that might be enough from me, and I hope that from the above you are able to glean a little of my character - without having the ability to hunt me down and chase me (a fate my mother is certain comes from giving the 'internet' too much information about yourself). I am not sure how often I will write here, especially since I really only created this LJ so that I could comment on fics that I liked, but well, I enjoyed this little session, and so who knows, maybe I'll catch the LJ bug.
So nice to meet you all and well, goodnight!