Feb 10, 2011 01:01
- Reality Bites Back -- Murphy's Law and the Chew Toys: This is the most recent news between me & [Bad username: selkit.livejournal.com] On the one paw, circumstances have been less than ideal because Murphy feels the need to make everything harder than it was already. On the other...I don't really want to go there. A learning experience; good because it had a lot of positive memories/moments and bad because of the strain it put us both through. A piece of me will always be with him, even if our paths never cross again in reality. Advice had been heard, parts of it may have been followed while others of it were ignored. I don't want to make a scalding post against him, I just ask you understand this is the way it is because Murphy decided to chew on us. Sean, I don't blame you. I never will. I feel it's my fault it didn't work. I am truly sorry.
- Chaoswolf: The Gypsy Years [Impending move II (as it's my second move and numbered thusly)] -- stated in this post, I'm too busy acting on survival instincts to attempt preparations for the impending move; which is happening by/before end of March (new location Marysville). Don't get me wrong, I love Redmond. The problem is the apartment complex. You may remember my earlier post that is one of the two major deterrents from living here. The other...well, really...it's just way too damn expensive to live here now. Rent is now either $1050 or $1100, that I just simply don't have the means to afford anymore (it was $962 when we got it initially in April 2009). I am grateful to Dix and [Bad username: asahoshi.livejournal.com]for the offer of space, [Bad username: celedraug.livejournal.com] and her minion E for offering to help with the transportation issues surrounding the move,
mdlbear and Mamacat for being so supportive, and Grimm for buying my knives so I have enough $ to scrape by with until circumstances change.
- conflikt was a fantastic con for me. We didn't see [Bad username: vixyish.livejournal.com] or [Bad username: tfabris.livejournal.com], but we did have one hell of a filler: the one and only [Bad username: ryuuaja.livejournal.com]. I am extremely impressed with the bard's music over the last year.
- Friday, I was waiting for [Bad username: asahoshi.livejournal.com]and company to show up. I'm wearing my tail, and after stopping by the dealer's den to confirm my favorite bard was at his table, I went upstairs to trade a few words with Dad and get my fur suit. Walked back downstairs and showed up and I think he said "Because nobody in their right mind would bring a fur suit to a filk con." He's correct: I'm right handed, so in my left mind. Hehe. Dinner with the
mdlbear followed by some really interesting concerts. I was a big fan of Cecelia Eng and Steve Dixon's sets, as they were a nice mix. Black Davey's Ride done earlier in the night followed by Our Mrs. Reynolds (which, for those of you who don't follow Serenity/Firefly is a song about Mal's wife set to the same tune) was just bloody awesome. Awesome filking later on during the open filk, followed by me going to bed @ ~0230 or so.
- Woke up Saturday morning (uncertainty what time exactly) to have breakfast with the 2 Ds and a J mentioned above (who were my room mates at the con). Got back to the hotel, placed an Interfilk bid or 3, enjoyed every waking moment. Not to mention spending more time with my parents. Had interesting time playing messenger and getting shot, but that was fairly irrelevant due to the fact that con weddings are win when over with. Um...Interfilk voice auction resulted in me & asahoshi getting into a bidding war over a holographic Matrix poster. She started the bidding rather low at $1, then I think I upped it to $5, then 6, then 10, til finally I won it @ $25. Interesting we were the only two bidding on this...*shrug* Mom & Dad donated some of their mutant lemons, which went for a whopping $20. Being that these lemons are infamous, I thought that they'd be worth more. Wrong. Dinner was awesome, mixed with discussion and followed by The Bard's amazing concert. The last 4 songs of his set were Daughters of Angels (which I was busy stuffing my face through), Animals All The Same, (which I was jamming hard near the stage in a bomber jacket/suit), Blood and Passion (again, nomming), and Hymn To Herne (more nom). I may have the order wrong on the last 4, but I know I have my actions right during the songs. My biggest regret about that night aside from the bomber jacket and air guitar on my tail was that I wimped out early for music and didn't get to do dawn patrol.
- Sunday. That was interesting. Wedding that we slept through ( I didn't really know the couple, and I was hungry), music that I scribbled right before lunch followed by last minute bidding wars on things in the silent IF auction between me, asahoshi and her mother over pens, chocolate covered espresso beans, and candy. I got the pens and chocolate espresso beans. I was borrowing asahoshi's copy of the Heather Alexander song book, then grinned as I finished the lyrics. Lunch ends. We come back to the hotel, I go into the Dealer's room.
Me: Aja, you going to be at the smoked salmon?"
Aja: "Yes, of course."
Me: "Good." and smile knowingly. I have a surprise for you.
Aja: "I know that look. That's the 'I'm going to have to kill you' look."
Me: "Yep."
Shortly thereafter, I smoked him that night with Working On A ConCom. I got points! And his blessing to post it to his fan community. Last time I did this, it was at a NorWesCon in an open filk circle ( Lassie Are Ya Tunin. Lyrics for Working On A ConCom will be posted the next time I actually open my song book, which I've not been feeling up to doing since con due to depression/panic.) I'm seeing a pattern here. Savitzkied. Not quite the same ring as Kanefed, but similar effect. Both times, I was singing in front of my idol and I was trembling with stage fright. The fact I had alcohol in my system both times was purely coincidence (IMO).
- C:tGY [Move II (con't)] -- Move details are pending. Post-con shenanigans include trying to help as best I can of getting the space I'm moving into cleared out, stuff packed into boxes, and will need to have a discussion with the current room mates about when (approximately)I can dismantle the kitchen and pack up my stuff, since most of it's mine. My biggest issues with the current amount of stuff I have is the dresser, amount of clothing, the desk, and a hope chest. I'm hoping I can take the desk apart and reassemble inside my small room, but getting it in there is going to be a trick and a half given the size of the hallway. May have to put it on craigslist or something. *sigh* then spend money for a new desk...wait -- the card table is mine. Yeah, reality bites like that. I'll be trying as much as I can to attempt to move stuff from here to there so I have less to do come next month. Will most likely start bunkering down and doing all of that packing crap after the 20th, as that's when it becomes crunch time for me. I'll also need to score some packing tape I have duct tape. That'll do. Um....hm. There will be a separate posting on move details (possibly even a filker filter) of its own. Now for the question (modified slightly since I'm a free subscriber):If I created a move post tag/filter, would you want to be on it? Options are Yes, No and Clicky. If you give me the latter of the three, I'll be looking for a smart-ass or otherwise humorous answer saying what Clicky means to you. (can also include yes/no answers, if you're so inclined.) Second half of that question is filter or tag: why you'd prefer your answer.
- Gadget lust [new cell phone] -- the one I have is an old school Sony Ericson W750. It sucks. It has a non-standard (all the phone chargers are now micro USB now, IIRC) charger/USB cable, my USB cable craps out on me when I attempt to charge it, the wall charger is bulky and awkward, and the phone constantly says it has an invalid SIM card. Initially, I wanted the Motorola Backflip, which I learned has been discontinued. The Motorola Bravo appears to be it's successor, camera somewhat more fail-sauce than the Backflip, but if that's the only thing I'm sacrificing...I'm not going to complain. I hate my Ericson so much, and the Moto Bravo has a thingie that lets you locate it! That's a function I will actually use! If I get dumb and leave it in a pocket or plain sight, I can find the damn thing.Want! 'Course, I need to talk to Dad and see about the possibility of getting this done before I move (the issue will be that I'll need to have $70 on me or in my account I can pay with to walk away with it same day and I'm currently broke.) Hopefully, this will happen. I want to shoot my Ericson. I like the idea of having a wi-fi enabled phone, and a functioning QWERTY keyboard. I hate having to press a button 4 times for one letter, more in the case of a 1. Grr.
- Taxes: Oh yeah. About that. I'll still have to file. It'll be interesting and slightly delayed because I have to wait for my dad to ship up a copy of my tax return from last year (since I asked him nicely to file for me.) Once he does, I'll do it (for the first time)on my own. Bleah. However, based on my sorta income (2 short-lived jobs I had that paid well, relatively) and sponsor membership @ FC 2010, I may be looking @ $349 in ITR (Income Tax Refund). Here's hoping I don't have to chuck it all toward space @ Dix's and I can actually spend it on something useful (driving lessons or sanity checks.) Anyways, now that I've made everyone depressed, I'm going to shut up now. May the rest of 2011 not suck, please?
chaoswolf: the gypsy years,
inevitable move