Recap: Been here since April 15. Been looking for a job 5 out of 7 days per week. Going crazy with the fact that the 1 promising job I had failed to return any of my 4 calls I made last week. I am not happy with them and have given up on this prospect. I'm still jobless, and am going to make as many attempts to remedy this as I can.
selkit said some encouraging things to me earlier, though I will be happier when the things he said actually take effect. Financially, I'm starting to feel the pressure. It's all on me. Led's a student, and can't pay for much. I am covering rent, interwebz/phone/cable, groceries, gas for the car, etc., and realizing now that I need a job quickly. I must extend a big thank you to
screaming_ange1 who in exchange for my help packing his stuff has offered a $ of 10/hr with possibly some furniture to go with. I'm liking this idea.
As far as chain mail, boy I wish I was making enough to cover rent. I am waiting for people to return my calls for applications and jobs I have applied to, so therefore need to do something besides stare at the screen for a while. Due to
warpmind giving me a down payment on his dice bag, I will be attempting to work on that once I have the materials at hand in efforts of keeping myself from burning out on this job hunt. I still have a couple commissions I owe to people, and I apologize for the inconvenience. Most of my supplies for those back orders are either down in California or were depleted by other projects during that time. I will finish these as I can, and I know who I owe. Again, I apologize for the inconvenience.
My room looks like an Ikea box exploded. I couldn't help thinking of JCoulton's song about Ikea today while I was putting up the shelving. I have a pet dragon on my shelf, along with the router, modem, and phone. Plastic bags are strewn everywhere, and once I have funds to do so I will invest in picture hooks and frames for some of my art.
Finances. Argh. That thought is so big I need to hit it again. My thoughts are pretty focused as far as priorities. Everything I listed above seems to be priority right now, except the chain mail, which is a hobby. It is not high on my chain of needs. It's nice because it's fun. But the fact I'm still waiting for employment to happen doesn't make me feel any better about my situation. It seems as though I'm being financially responsible for everything --- keeping the truck running, keeping food in the fridge, keeping interwebz, furnishing the Vault, the printer, and trying hard not to spend too much on things I would like to have that I can't justify (like chain mail). Since I'm not living with
mdlbear and
flower_cat, I lack an allowance. Since I'm on my own (technically), that allowance that I once used for food while I was attending college is now gone and am using funding that possibly could be spent bettering myself by getting more pieces of paper (Bachelors, Ph.D, Masters, etc.) though I feel that I need a break from school for a while. I need to focus on finding a job until my circumstances permit me to go back to school, rather than try to go to school in a time where I'm not cut out for it. (Note: this will be tagged "trainwreck".)
Driving lessons. Jumped a curb the first time, went around in circles in a parking lot on idle and using the break. Next one is with gas pedal included. Hopefully I won't mess up too badly. I'm still not confident enough to take the test, but will hopefully be so in a few months.
Contact: I don't bite. If you want to hang out, want to talk, are curious about my wellbeing at any time, don't hesitate to call or drop me a message. Email, IM, phone, whatever. It's all welcome.